Care dog and cat : flea to danger in pets.


It is a wingless insect The body is flat on its side the adult. There are legs number 3 pair. The life cycle consists of three stages, including eggs, larvae and adult. Flea will lay eggs in a living on their pets. After the eggs are on the ground where animals live. And the larval stage that resembles a worm will develop from the eggs and the larvae develop into pupae and adult. The adult flea moving quite fast. And can jump from one animal go to more animal one. Fleas feed on the blood of animals for food.

The fleas on pets are two types of dog flea (Ctenocephalides canis) and cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis), however lousy it. No specific type of host. This means that dogs can find it on the cat. Meanwhile, the cat flea, it can be found in dogs. Both types of fleas can cause harm in animals. And is bring helminth the vectors bring the cucumber tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum) pets and people will have been infected through eat infected fleas into the punch by chance also to be borne in bring the bacteria Mycoplasma haemofelis or Haemobartonella felis that causes anemia in cats. And fleas also cause inflammation that contributes to the skin of the pet (flea allergic dermatitis or flea bite allergy) as well.

Thanks for watch.?
Thank you : Bayer Pet Digest
Thanks for the Info : Asst. Prof. Dr. Sonthaya Tiawsirisup
(D.V.M., Ph.D.)
Faculty of Veterinary Science Chulalongkorn University

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